Due date for nominations: December 15, 2020

ACH seeks three new Executive Council Representatives to serve a 4-year term (2021-2025).

What does an ACH Executive Council Representative do?

In your role as an elected Executive Council Representative you have opportunities to form and serve on committees that promote the interests of the membership. Committees include but are not limited to Advocacy, Membership, and Infrastructure. In concert with ACH officers, Executive Council Representatives participate in quarterly calls, develop and uphold ACH policies, determine and distribute funding, and oversee all organizational activities. Major activities include building toward the ACH 2021 conference and delivering on the set of initial actions described in the ACH Statement on Black Lives Matter, Structural Racism, and Our Organization.

Anyone who is a current ACH member (or who is willing to join ACH if elected) and is willing to represent and advocate for our membership and other digital humanists is eligible. Folks who are new to DH and/or to the ACH are encouraged to bring their viewpoint to our organization’s governance as Executive Council Representatives.

Who are we looking for?

We especially hope for a slate of candidates that is diverse as to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class, ability, profession, citizenship, nationality, and other identities and backgrounds.

Demonstrated commitment to the ACH and/or to DH is more important to our work than professional affiliation, academic/professional status, or job title. We welcome participants not just from universities and colleges, but also galleries, libraries, museums, community groups, and other organizations engaged with the digital humanities. We seek individuals with and without academic or professional degrees, including current students.

How does nomination work?*

You are encouraged to self-nominate, as well as nominate others, using the nomination form.

The Nominations committee will follow up with nominees in January to request brief candidate materials – a short candidate bio and summary of your interest in serving ACH.

Sample candidate statements from past elections are available, though please note we’ve changed the questions and added a maximum word cap this year. For more information on the responsibilities and obligations of Executive Council members, please see our Bylaws.

For questions about nominations please contact Nominations Chair, Thomas Padilla, thomas.padilla@unlv.edu.

About ACH

The ACH supports and disseminates research and cultivates a vibrant professional community through conferences, publications, and outreach activities. ACH advocates for and supports all of our members in their digital humanities work. Digital humanities is a broad term encompassing a wide range of subject domains, methods, and communities of practice, including (but not limited to) computer-assisted research, pedagogy, and software; resource creation, curation, and engagement; physical computing; the use of digital technologies to write, publish, and review scholarship; and humanistic research into and about digital objects and culture. ACH recognizes that this work is inherently and inextricably sociopolitical, and thus advocates for social change through the use of computers and related technologies in the study of humanistic subjects.