Are you new to the DH community or to digital humanities conferences? Join a small group of newbies and ACH/DH old-timers at a local restaurant and make scholarly connections and new friendships.

Dinners will happen the evening of Wednesday, 27 June, with parties departing after the poster session. The poster session ends at 7pm. Group leaders should specify at least a day in advance from where the group will depart.

Please sign up online. For ease of conversation, groups are limited to six people. Please identify yourself with n for newbie (in your first or second year attending DH) or v for DH conference veteran (no more than 2 veterans per party, please!). We’ll need one veteran leader for each group, to make a reservation and walk the group over to the restaurant; long-term ACH members and other DH conference veterans are heartily encouraged to volunteer! Don’t forget to include contact information when you sign up so that members of your group can get in touch with you.

In addition to the groups below, feel free to create additional groups headed to other restaurants, but please try to choose something within walking distance of a conference hotel. Indicate cuisine and cost for an average meal, including drink, tax, and tip, according to Yelp (or equivalent estimation). Please let us know if there is interest in a non-alcohol group by emailing Purdom Lindblad at