Last year, the Association for Computers and the Humanities developed an Affiliations Committee charged with facilitating outreach to other professional organizations and initiatives. The committee is comprised of: Jennifer Guiliano, James O’Sullivan, Dot Porter, Miriam Posner, and Lisa Rhody. With outreach ongoing to the American Historical Association, the IEEE, the Medieval Academy of America, the Modern Language Association, and other professional organizations, we now ask for your assistance in completing a very brief, three question survey to assist the committee in the next round of its work.

The survey asks you to tell us which professional organizations you might currently be a member of so that we can identify potential outreach that might be developed in the coming year.

Please note that we are not surveying organizations we have a prior affiliation with (e.g. Modern Language Association, American Historical Association, Medieval Academy of America).

Questions regarding this survey can be directed to Jennifer Guiliano ( with Survey in the subject line. To complete the survey, please visit our online form.